My Art is my essence and without it I would be nothing. I see life as a canvas and everything displayed is beautiful. The cloudy days with rain show a new side of the spectrum that others might find dreary. Life is art. We are meant to take it fully into our own hands and continue the creation process that has been handed to us. My art is life, it’s a part of me and how I perceive everything around me, full of color and vibrancy. The world is a mysterious and wondrous place. I only want to enrich the minds of people to see it in a similar view as me. Color is everything, even in a monochrome you can still get beauty and overcome the stereotype that vibrancy has to be more than one color. Vibrancy is in everything around us and I want my art to show that to those who may be blind to that perspective.




I am Logan Brich. As an artist I think of myself as a cluster of collective thoughts. There is no one way to describe who I am as a person, and to attempt to do so in a statement would not do me or anyone reading this justice. To put it simply I try to do my best at everything I do. I dabble in everything that peaks my interest and love to accept the challenge of anything thrown at me. Out of all the things I have come across and experienced I would categorize my specialties in Digital Arts, Photography and Paintings. Out of those three subjects, the sky is the limit for what can be created.





© 2016 Logan Brich | lbrich17@gmail.com | 585.358.314